About the photographer

Amr A. Abdul-Majeed , born in July 1980 Graduated as Electronics and communication Engineer, Regional Projects Manager for Western Region (Consulting and Design Engineering), Living in Jeddah Saudi Arabia, An avid diver since 2009 Became an underwater photography instructor in 2011 , A senior member in Aquaviewksa underwater photography group
Equipment :
Camera: Canon G12,Canon G15 ,Canon 5D Mark3 and Canon 5D Mark4
Wide Lenses: Dyron 12mm and Dyron 8mm (Compact camera)
Canon 8-15mm Fisheye (DSLR)
Macro Lenses : Canon 100mm f2.8 (DSLR)
Macro Wet Lenses: Bluewater +7,Subsee +5,Subsee+10 and Nuticam SMC 1 and 2 (Compact and DSLR)
Strobes: 2x Sea and sea YS-D2J
Focus light: Kraken 3500
Video lights: 2x iTorch venom 38
Retra LSD snoot
Camera: Canon G12,Canon G15 ,Canon 5D Mark3 and Canon 5D Mark4
Wide Lenses: Dyron 12mm and Dyron 8mm (Compact camera)
Canon 8-15mm Fisheye (DSLR)
Macro Lenses : Canon 100mm f2.8 (DSLR)
Macro Wet Lenses: Bluewater +7,Subsee +5,Subsee+10 and Nuticam SMC 1 and 2 (Compact and DSLR)
Strobes: 2x Sea and sea YS-D2J
Focus light: Kraken 3500
Video lights: 2x iTorch venom 38
Retra LSD snoot
Articles By Amr:
1. Recsea Canon G15 review and Macro
2.Canon 100mm f2.8 review By Amr,Brent and Kadir
3. The best Indonesia (Raja Ampat and Lembeh trip)
4. Hadag Magazine interview issue Feb-Mar 2016 ( page 68-73)